This weekend I went to my little brother's intermediate waterpolo game against Le Jardin...which btw our Iolani team won by a lot. Like any other sport that involves balls, waterpolo consists of non-stop projectiles. Whether the ball is being passed to another player or shot to score a goal, when the ball is thrown, it performs a projectile. A projectile anything thrown or shot through the air with only the force of gravity acting upon it. Because gravity is the only force affecting the ball, the waterpolo ball was always accelerating at a rate of negative 9.8 m/s squared (not accounting for air resistance). The motion of a waterpolo ball (a projectile) can be broken down into two motions: horizantal and veritical. Although in terms of the vertical motion the ball is accelerating at a constant rate of negative 9.8 m/s squared, the horizantal dimension has a constant velocity--no acceleration.
nice picture ^.^
see you at the next game?
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